Choco Blog

Customizing gifts in an on-demand world

How do you deliver joy in an on-demand world? Totally Chocolate gifts offer the benefits of personalized gifts with instant gratification! Today’s world moves unbelievably swiftly. Gone are the days of snail mail – or, more recently, even email. People want to express themselves instantly (the thank you note arrives now by text rather than…

Navigating Gifting When Corporate Policies Limit Your Options

Worried about your client accepting gifts at work? We help you navigate gifting when corporate policies limit your options. Just when you thought you had chosen the perfect gift for treasured clients, your colleague lets on to you that the recipient company may have a policy limiting them from accepting gifts above a certain dollar…

Alternatives To The Boring Gift Basket

Tell me if this sounds familiar. It’s a regular day, you’re working at the office, thinking about what great success you’ve been having. When suddenly there’s a knock at the door, followed by someone calling, “Delivery!” Your mind does a quick scan and you realize you aren’t expecting any packages in the mail. Could this…

Business Gifting Trends 2018

Corporate gift planning guaranteed to WOW! The road to perfect client business gifts is often filled with Google Map-less navigation, possible wrong turns and often surprise stop signs (you know, those times when it’s December 15th or the day of someone’s birthday and you still haven’t figured it out). Worse yet are the roads most…

Think outside the holiday gifting box!

Think outside the holiday gifting box. Corporate gifts for clients “just because” show you appreciate them all year long! Why wait for the holidays to make someone’s day? Your best customers are always cause for celebration and appreciation, whether to acknowledge a promotion, a winning contract, a mutual success or just give a gourmet “fist…

Fun and interesting alternatives to birthday cakes and cupcakes

A new trend in gift giving – customizable and delicious birthday cake alternatives No shade for the traditional cake and cupcake birthday treat, but there’s a new trend in town that’s just as delicious, yet beyond business as usual! When in search of the perfect birthday gift for clients and friends, the unexpected and personalized…