Choco Blog

Is Chocolate Vegan? 

People decide to “go vegan” for many reasons: health, religion or spiritual ideologies, environmental concerns, or it might simply be a matter of preference. Eating only vegan food is a big commitment and takes a shift in lifestyle. While it may seem like you are going to have to give up A LOT (and you…

Why Do We Eat Chocolate Eggs and Bunnies at Easter?

We all likely know that Easter is a Catholic holiday — the culmination of the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection — and yet, so many Easter traditions that we are used to seeing every year have little to do with anything biblical at all. Specifically, we’re talking about chocolate eggs and chocolate bunnies.  Where…

4 Ways to Create a Memorable Guest Experience

“We do not remember days, we remember moments.” – Cesare Pavese Guest experience (not to be confused with customer service), is the totality of interactions between a guest and hospitality service throughout the guest’s stay. “The race to own customer experience is on! Companies are recognizing the importance of delivering an experience that makes them stand…

5 Creative Marketing Ideas for Car Dealerships

Do you want to add some octane to your marketing campaign and “drive” customers to your dealership? Keep on reading! The US is the second largest automobile market on the planet. In fact, the first three quarters of 2019 saw over 12,000,000 vehicle sales in the US alone. – (// “According to the National Automobile…