Category: Chocolate History

Why Do We Eat Chocolate Eggs and Bunnies at Easter?

We all likely know that Easter is a Catholic holiday – the culmination of the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection – and yet, so many Easter traditions that we are used to seeing every year have little to do with anything biblical at all. Specifically, we’re talking about chocolate eggs and chocolate bunnies.  Where…

Why Do We Give Chocolate On Valentine’s Day?

In most of the Western world where Valentine’s Day is celebrated, it’s extremely commonplace for couples and romantic attachments to give each other chocolates as a symbol of love. While teddy bears and roses are some other options that go along with the gift package, chocolates are the absolute staple. But have you ever wondered…

Why Is Chocolate Associated With Love?

Love is a sense of brotherhood. A closeness. A great affinity and affection towards another person. And although this certainly is no Shakespearean sonnet to describe love, we can all agree that love is universal. It’s the fluttering tummy, the perspiring palms, the quickened heartbeat. It’s the excitement and anticipation of seeing your lover once…

What Makes Belgian Chocolate Different?

When most people think of Belgium, they think of the capital Brussels as the location of the headquarters of the EU Commission and EU Parliament. Other things they might associate this lovely country with are beer and waffles. But perhaps the most important export (around two-thirds) from Belgium is its chocolate. With a centuries-old tradition…

What Is the Most Popular Christmas Chocolate

We’re in the last quarter of the year already. And that means one thing: Christmas is just around the corner. Planning the festivities of the holiday season wouldn’t be the same without chocolate though. And that’s why you’ll want to know what are the best chocolate gifts for Christmas and what are the most popular…

Christmas Traditions That Celebrate Chocolate

Celebrating Christmas each year is a tradition that millions of people around the world take part in. It’s the time for generosity and giving.  It’s time for families and friends to come together. It’s a tradition that focuses on love, kindness, and joy.  Today, we have established Christmas traditions around the world featuring much-loved chocolate. …