Case Study: Energizing the Video Conference

Tasting Box_unbranded_small

It’s staring you down through your Outlook calendar: another dreaded video conference call this week. You can already hear yourself asking Ugh, do I really need to attend the latest training? Can we skip this management team meeting? Why on Earth did I say yes to this software exploration call?

A wise person once stated “No matter the question, the answer is chocolate.”


One of our clients wanted to drive attendance and engagement for an upcoming larger digital training event. Working with our one of our Chocolate Specialists, we were able to help them develop a program based on their goals and needs. How do you get people excited about your event? Tell them there’s chocolate involved! Here’s what they came up with:

First, the client sent digital invites to all of their prospective attendees with a little hook: sign up to attend, and we’ll send you a goodie box as a Thank You just for showing up. To sweeten the deal even further, one lucky participant will receive a box with a ‘Golden Ticket’ inside for a special surprise from the organizers. For a bit more fun, they had the boxes labeled “Do not open” until the event was live to add another layer of excitement. Our art team was able to take their invite design and incorporate it into a completely custom product package that made for a very impressive display.


So before the training even started, they had an engaged, excited audience already interacting with their brand. Feeling the energy in the room yet?!

And how did it go over? In short, everyone involved loved it. The presenters had an audience that was prepped and ready to listen, the participants were genuinely thankful for the gift and already positively associating our client’s brand with the experience, and of course we were happy to deliver a unique solution to a new challenge.

And that’s the true beauty of custom: We can deliver a solution completely tailored to your organization’s needs. Have an upcoming digital conference, product launch, training session, or employee-appreciation event that is now taking place remotely? Talk to us about how to make everyone in the room feel excited, engaged, and connected.